Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday 14 June 2013. Day 6 Nottingham. Rita, Doreen, Richard & Michael

A sunny morning with the promise of a fine day soon evaporated later with heavy rain.

Today we headed off to see four of Mick’s relatives.

We first picked up cousin Rita from Arnold and then drove to West Bridgford to see cousin Doreen, husband  Richard and cousin Michael.

After looking through many family photograph albums and photographing some of the content, Mick sat down to chat with Michael who was going through a difficult time following the recent death if his mother, Mick's Aunty Edna.

Doreen hadn’t seen Mick since he was 11 years old when he attended her wedding with his parents. One of the photos was of all the wedding guests with Michael standing at the front of the guests with his short trousers, jacket and tie on.

 Lyn charmed the pants off Richard who was really taken with her and very soon, to the surprise of both his wife, Doreen and Rita, Richard, who normally hates guests and stays in his room upstairs, was laughing and having great time.

This went on for some time before we all walked to the local club across the road for lunch whilst Richard stayed at home as is his usual custom.

After lunch we returned home in the pouring rain to watch a pair of Mallard ducks eating grain out of a bucket in their back garden. The ducks have become tame and return daily for a feed and then after preening themselves fly off. Mick also took some pictures of some local Jackdaws feeding at their bird feeder.

After more hilarity and a few more photos, Mick & Lyn said goodbye to  Doreen and Richard and took Rita back home to her home in Arnold.

Before we headed home, Rita kindly gave Lyn a Royal Doulton Toby Jug of Sir Winston Churchill to take home with her to Australia.

Doreen, Rita and Michael

 Lyn and Michael

 Lyn, Richard and Rita

 Mick and Doreen


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